Coming Back

Helloooooo? Do I hear an echo? Hmmm…
I’ve left this and any of my readership alone for a very long time.
Back in the beginning of the year things here on this blog, plus another I was working on, were going great guns. Social media was on the front burner. Instagram posts were flying. Facebook was burning up with comments and likes. Behind the scenes a bunch of us were busy everyday for hours planning for the next thing. Many hours. Everyday.
It was too much. The core of the other blog broke down. Then I started to break down.
Time to take a break. From all things internet.
So…other than peeking in to keep up with friends I dropped almost all social media. Including my blog.
And it’s been on my mind lately so I’m back in here typing….
No promises of regularity or how faithful I will be.
Only a desire to restart in  a more fulfilling way…a more authentic way.
Until next time,

1 thought on “Coming Back

  1. I’m reading. As much or as little as your write. No pressure. 🙂

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