Eleven Months

Geez…eleven months??!

…has it really been that long? Eleven months? Yikes…

A lot of folks must be wondering what the heck happened to her? I also took a three month hiatus from social media…so some are shaking their heads.

Who are you?

Well…honestly, even though my intention to get in her to write are good ones, I often feel like I have nothing of any substance to say. Or some topic peeks my interest and time or family or something keeps from writing even two words.

Eleven months!? I can’t believe it…but I do.

Let me do a little refresher…yes I am still here!!

My goofy son
My goofy son

Yes my son is amazed its been eleven months also. Family time has been priority around here and the summer was spent all four of us. Lunch and dinner together just about everyday.

I’m still working up some crazy art and wearable stuff. Doing a lot of sewing but will have jewelry this fall.

CoExist Bracelet

So I’m not truly MIA…just taking a break…for eleven months. LOL.

Did you miss me?

Until next time,


National Organization Month: What are you doing?

National Organization Month and what are you doing to re-organize your home, life, and studio?

I am an avid cook so drawers that are completely unusable and crazy messy drive me crazy! So the first place I start with organization is in my kitchen. This baking drawer was such a mess I didn’t realize I had purchased several identical items! Now it’s labeled and things that go together are side by side.

Kitchen Baking Drawer

I wish I had a before picture of this. You wouldn’t have known even what this area was for. AND I threw out spices from the Jurassic period! Oy! Now it’s a pleasure to open this space!

Spices Galore

You couldn’t even tell what this area was for before I started! Plus I threw out spices from the turn of the century! Now it’s a pleasure to open this cupboard.

Bread Baking Station

How many crumbs can there really be in any one spot? This is my bread baking area…yes there are two bread machines. As a side note I bake all of our bread products from scratch. No more preservatives or hidden GMO for us! May sound crazy but it has solved a couple of health issues we had going on. AND it tastes delicious this way!

But..back to organization! With this many things on one counter area it easily gets out of whack. This is how it’s supposed to be!

Next organization project? Besides the entire house? Pieces of the studio…stay tuned!

Until next time,


P.S. Please hop over to my collaborative blog for some other organization tips from the studios of the girls!!


Gr8full…for a whole bunch of things.


My daughter and i did a little experiment this past weekend. Gratitude and what it means to us. We barely scratched the surface of how we truly feel about the subject. We did manage to make a couple of signs proclaiming our feelings through the laughter.


Gr8full Duo Hysterical

My husband was attempting to take our picture but we weren’t being very helpful.

Gr8full Duo Serious
Serious…he said make a serious face! I guess that’s it…not sure.


Gr8full Duo Goofy

We got goofy…or just plain kooky looking.

Gr8full Duo

We truly are gr8full for each other. Even when we don’t get along or disagree…we still laugh most of the time.

We are part of the #gr8fullcre8ive project found at the Cre8ive Klatch blog and also on their Instagram account @cre8iveklatch.

Come join us or find cre8ive and positive conversation in our Facebook group.

Until next time,


Raw Beet, Cabbage, and Kale Detox Salad

Fun beet, cabbage, and kale salad.

A friend of mine posted about finding this recipe and it looked yummy. It’s from a website called FedandFit.com which also has other great recipes mostly slanted towards the paleo lifestyle. But I also found some great vegan ideas there.

Beet, Cabbage, and Kale Detox Salad

 Here’s the direct link to the recipe: Beet, Cabbage, and Kale Detox Salad

Give it a try…it was yummy!


Photo Booth

Have you ever tried out Photo Booth? It comes with your Ipad or Mac computer….It can provide hours of laughs!


Can I just tell you that my Mother would kill me if she knew I was putting this picture here…?!


…and not sure my Dad would be too happy either…


My son, on the other hand, would like to be seen like this every day. Because he’s just that goofy.

If you have a chance give it a try…you’ll laugh yourself into tears!
