New Things Coming!

Jack O'lanterns that look like cherries!

I’ve been working behind the scenes to create new things and, thank goodness, Halloween is on the way! My favorite time to design scary stuff.

The picture above are some new pieces of Jack O’Lantern cherries…aren’t they fun! Lots of new things are being put together behind the scenes so stay tuned for a release date!

Always believe in fun!


Two Shows in One Weekend: The Aftermath

So…I still feel like I am recovering from two shows in one weekend. Glitterfest and the Bernardo Winery show were both scheduled together. Oy…

This doesn’t happen every year. Only maybe once every three or four. No matter how you slice it it’s stressful.

I finally got my mojo in gear about a month beforehand and created like a maniac right up until the very last moment. Thursday night I packed my car for a Friday set up at the winery.

Cart full of junk

My husband helped out and we set up my booth plus a friend of mine who vends in the tent next door. Took us the better part of three hours to get it all together. Then home again, home again…only to unload the car and reload the car for Saturday’s Glitterfest.

More junk

Saturday we divided to conquer the show world. Boys to the Winery and girls to Glitterfest.

Glitterfest Girls

I have to admit I don’t have many pics from the Winery this time. First day the boys took maybe one picture and day two I spaced completely. Whoops….but both were a great success. Crazy to do but both worked out well.

And even with all the planning, making, and stresses it was over in a flash! All of a sudden it was Monday and all that was left was the mess!

...and more mess with junk!

Thank goodness everything is pretty much put away now. But I’m about to do one more show…so some things are still hanging out here and there. Last in person show for the year will be at the Irvine Fine Arts Center in Irvine California…maybe I will see you there…???

Until next time,



Decisions, decisions, decisions…

One of the things that keeps me from this blog is always some kind of decision. What should I talk about? What will anyone be interested in reading? How much should I show? Maybe a peek, a tutorial, a personal look at something? This goes on for long enough, and enough decisions are made on everything else, that I never get into the blog at all. Anybody else have this problem?
Then there’s always the “to do” list. Finish designing the stuff on my desk, prep for this weekend’s show, run errands, get change at the bank, order supplies, fill out your calendar, re-arrange your desk, mail out your orders, check social media, schedule social media, delete 900 e-mails, try to put out a newsletter, do tomorrow’s to do list, etc, etc, etc…
Then there’s the family “to do” list…collect all the laundry, call the Doctor, cook breakfast, go grocery shopping, wash the dog, advise child #1, clean the bathroom, wash the car, take a shower, drop the kids at sports, call your Mother, sweep the floor, wash the other dog…ad nauseum..

Gigantic bears at Costco
Gigantic bears at Costco

…you get the picture. More decisions. On everything.
But do you see “write on the blog” anywhere? Blog doesn’t show up, does it?
Not first…or in the middle…or at the end. Too many decisions and I can’t decide where to put it.
Sooo….time to make one more decision…what the hell am I finally doing here? Well…I guess I decided it was long enough. That I needed to try this again.
For how long and how often? No clue and I don’t know.
What will I bring my self to write about? Well…art…creativity…daily life stuff…basically I will be winging it and post things that tickle my fancy dependent on what day it is.
So about those decisions…I think I just made one.
To quit.
Until next time,

Wild Wonders


Just a quick reminder that some of my pieces are made for, and of, the creatures of Wild Wonders. Isn’t that face up there wonderful?

From their website:

Welcome to the world of Wild Wonders, Inc. where kids and adults can “tame” their curiosity for “wildlife.” Through live interactive programs and tours at our site or yours, our wildlife educators and our 150 animal-ambassadors will take you on a dynamic adventure you will not forget. Our goal is to excite the public and foster a desire to preserve and learn about the wildlife and the important role they play in the planet we share.

In order to help support their journey I get to make wearable jewelry pieces from their wonderful collection of critters that are Wild Wonders!

Mix of Critters

Zoo items that you purchase from me either in person or from my online shop section “The Art That is Wild Wonders” sends 20% of the profits back to the zoo! (click on the word “shop” at the very top of the page and all the sections will show up, then click on “The Art That is Wild Wonders”) If you happen to be visiting the zoo in person they have a gift shop area and anything you purchase of mine donates 50% of back to the critters!


Do you have a favorite animal that isn’t shown? If I can get a picture then we can make a custom piece for you…drop me an e-mail lets chat about it!.

Take a moment and peek at their website for special events or to make a reservation to visit!

Until next time,


Arc Planner: My Daughters Point of View

Hi! Hello! I’m AdaLee, and I’m writing a guest blog post for my mom about our Arc Planner!!

Recently my mom and I both started to get more organized and we got ourselves an Arc planner organizer and notebook.


The Arc planner is disc based, not three-hole-based, which means that instead of the normal three-hole rings, they have 11 discs as the binding. We both have a faux-leather cover arc filled with dividers and paper and what nots of our choice.

Addiesplanner (1)

Mine happens to have normal three-hole-punched college-ruled paper, graph paper, and even some blank paper. Since these papers are not already compatible with the Arc because of their inferior three-hole-punches, the Arc planner has a punch system that makes pretty much any kind of stationery into something that can be put into the arc!


I love this thing. I honestly do.

I had a super lame three-hole binder that had d-shaped clips instead of the default O shaped or C shaped ones normally in three-hole binders. What the meant was that papers in the binder would be incredibly difficult to maneuver without putting unnecessary stress on the punched holes. This resulted in a lot of torn paper, including some that was (or would be) important to class.

Addiesplanner (6)

 With the arc, I can now not have to worry about any paper tearing too much, for the way the Arc punches the paper that fits in it, individual papers put under too much stress simply pop out.

 Addiesplanner (4)

No worries. No damage. Just pop them back in again and
***ta da!!!*** you’re all good!!

On top of that, having to repunch and reformat all of the paper that I put into this thing requires me to be more organized about my schoolwork. My failed organizational days are gone!

Thank you Arc!!