Ice Resin Play: Rings & Things

Welcome to my world of ICE resin with rings and other things!

Resin Druzy Experiment

If you haven’t played with ICE resin you need to get your keys and head for the nearest craft store to pick up a package of it…right now!! (also available in my shop) The cup above photographed a touch yellow in the light of my studio but it isn’t. It is perfectly clear. Those few bubbles all went away with a blow of breathe through a straw passed over the top.

Resin Tray Set-Up

 My set up is on a tray for several reasons. A tray allows for many projects to be set out at one time, it’s easily moved if i need the space at the table, and simple to level if my work surface is wonky. It’s lined with a silicone mat so drips don’t mess up it’s surface.

At the top of the tray are some faux druzy experiments using the chunky German glass glitter from the Iced Enamels line. Moving right a skull and enameled (Iced Enamels of course) ring that i made from scratch…meaning that i actually made the metal ring base. A new skill i’ve been working on (read obsessed over).

Coming clockwise along the bottom there are six skully bezels. Lots of Ice Enamels plus a layer of yummy opal mica flakes…my favorite! Under those are some polymer clay transfers coated in resin and almost ready for beading into earrings.

Last but not least an open back ring that resembles the outside frame of a pocket watch. The lady’s face on the left is a tape transfer for that circle. Hopefully it will come out the way i want it. See through and a memento of my clients Mother.

Art In Rings

And then there are these. Giant copper trays that i soldered onto etched rings bands. Filled with huge artsy fartsy paper colages…and more enameling. They are just waiting for resin.

Next time i’ll show you how the resin changes them…



Christmas with Ice and Santa!

Christmas is coming?! Really? Didn’t we just do Christmas?

I have to admit that Christmas has not been my favorite holiday over the past decade. When you’re on the road, as I am, through the holiday season Santa is more work than pleasure. Add to that 10+ years of this love/hate relationship and thinking about Christmas seems really daunting.

So, several months ago I was sent some beautiful Rue Romantique pieces from the Ice girls and asked to do something for Christmas. My first honest response in my head was, “oh no, not that!” I’ve wrestled with it ever since…until this past week.

Knowing our blog hop was fast approaching I knew I had better wrap my head around it or be totally delinquent. Out came all the pieces and more from my design team stash…ribbons, the component Rue pieces, resin, bezels, papers….all of it all over the studio. I stared at it for several days. Pushing it aside I went back to my all time favorite material, shrink plastic, and just began to play with some holiday stamps. Then it dawned on me! K.I.S.S. Stop over thinking it and keep it simple stupid!

Merry Christmas and Santa emerged…

Merry ornament

I pulled out the alcohol inks in red and green to add some holiday color to the components. Wrapped a bit of vintage ribbon to the bottom.


Santa had to have some shiny, sparkly areas so out came the iridescent glitter added to some ModPodge then painted into his fur, beard, hat, and sleeves. Also some glitter was added to the component piece then resin over the top to seal.


Here it is a bit closer so you can see how wonderfully the glitter falls into the component grooves then lights up under the resin. Santa and all the pieces also have a resin coating. Such a nice gloss to reflect the lights when these are hanging from the tree. The bottom crystals are also from the Connie Crystals…last blog post…beautiful, faceted teardrop shapes. They made the perfect sparkling end to the base of both.

Here’s to Christmas…a better relationship with Santa and wishing you all the meaning of the season!

Check all the fantastic Christmas projects for the hop!! Don’t miss any of them!

ICE Resin site

Lexi Grenzer

Pamela Huntington

Jen Cushman

Until next time…


Hop Along With The Ice Resin Team & Their Connie Crystals!!

Hello everyone! I’m baaaack!

Well, if you’ve been following the Ice® Resin Creative Team then you know we’ve all been to the Emmy’s and back again. What you didn’t know was some of the back story. Each of us was sent a huge box of goodies directly from Ice headquarters and we also received a box stuffed with crystals from Connie Crystals. There were so many that we decided to design a few more things after the dust settled.


Alice is a favorite of mine as are all of these bezels. Pair that with these enormous cut, round Connie Crystals and I think I have a simple yet stunning bracelet. I didn’t want to overpower the images but accent them. A few smaller crystals swing with the little pewter pig at the clasp. What do you think?

And because I can’t ever do just one or anything easy AND I had more of these crystals…here is the second piece. (also an Ice® Resin piece)

Castheartwings1 Castheartwings2

 As you can see from the pictures there is an obvious range of color reflection coming from the crystals. It’s an aurora borealis coating that reflects an iridescent array of color . Aren’t they  gorgeous? And all the hanging pieces? Yes, they are cast Ice® Resin…but that’s another story.

Now here’s your chance to see what all the other gals have in store…

Today you can hop on over to…

Thespa K. Jones McLaughlin

Jen Crossley

Tomorrow the following designers will also have goodies to share!

Lexi Grenzer

Sandy Martin

Pamela Huntington

Have fun! See you again soon!


Forgotten Words…


Today’s task was to write up a short 100 word bio about my self for our Ice® Resin Team…not an easy task! But I found something that I had forgotten about completely and it’s pretty funny (at least to me!) Not even sure what or who I wrote this for and it may very well be on my old blog…not sure.

But, in either case, here it is again…

Quirks and the Divine (Divine Quirks..?)

My husband was quick to jump into this!

  1. Known only to one other is the fact that I have an innate aversion to the tiny leftover bits of just about anything. I will leave the last dregs of the toothpaste, the last half ounce of mouth wash, a food leftover, and sometimes even the last bite on my plate. Weird, huh?
  2. My family thinks I have kitchen OCD (technically shouldn’t it be CDO…alphabetical would be better). It makes me crazy if the pots aren’t hung on the rack just right, tools aren’t in the same places in the drawer, or the dishwasher isn’t loaded the way I would load it. I take it all apart and put whatever it is back together the “right” way then I can breathe again. And this doesn’t bother me anywhere but the in the kitchen…(okay, so if the toilet paper is upside down I turn it over…are you a paper under or a paper over person?)
  3. My children were quick to point out that I always want to watch the same TV show or movie…all the time! Let’s see…I’ve watched the latest Star Trek movie about 20 times, the first Alien movie several dozen times, I’m on my 10th or 11th go around on the Tudor series, and I’m hopelessly addicted to Downton Abbey. Every time they come into the room with me they can tell just by about ten seconds of sound what is on my screen. I like the familiarity of it, is that bad?
  4. No matter what time I need to get up I set my alarm clock between 15 and 30 minutes before that time. In the just waking up state of mind I can trick myself into thinking I’m going to be late if I don’t get up when the alarm goes off and if, in my morning haze, I hit the snooze button once I’m still on time! My husband thinks this is just plain madness. “You can still read the time on the clock!” Yes….but it’s psychological trickery for the gal who hates mornings. Nuts, maybe?! Does it work for me? Yes! Every time!


Live everyday like the devil is chasing you! I believe that life is short and each day is precious. You need to find your path to be happy, laugh, love, and deeply live your life to the fullest. You only get one chance at it. If you don’t like your current path then change it…mold it, wrangle it, work at it until you can say you’re pleased with it. Don’t blame your unhappiness on others…you choose! You get to make your life passionate and happy! Now go blaze your trail!!
