The Virus Chronicles Part 3: Navigating Change

So here we are about a year into this pandemic. There seems to be a glimmer of light towards the future but boy oh boy I am tired.

Rationally I know there’s a plan but I’m tired of staying home. Tired of wearing a mask…now recommended we wear two. Tired of not seeing friends. Tired of hearing about friends dying from the virus. Tired of hearing about the massive number of deaths around the country. Tired of plans made and not coming to fruition because of this damned virus. Tired of people not taking it seriously. Tired of health emergencies being treated as political (I won’t go there but you know what I mean). I could go on and on and on…

I’m sure you feel the same.

I feel like I’ve aged 10 years since this started. How about you? There isn’t enough retinol around to cure what the past 12 months has done to our faces.

I go from okay, happy productive one day to depressed, emotional, and paralyzed the next. WTH?

So what now? How do we go from all this chaos, change, emotional overload, pandemic…to continue into the future?

I wish I had an easy answer. I’m working on what that looks like for me. Staying creative has helped but it’s hard to keep creating when the world feels so heavy. But I keep trying. And I am thinking about circling back to the ideas and projects I was in the midst of last year at this time. Maybe plucking some creative gem from things that were lost to bring them forward. That might spark some joyful movement.

I feel a lot like the little viruses in the video above. Bumping into things, bouncing off, not really sticking to any one thing. But I need to find cohesion. Something to bind me to the future so I can stop wallowing in the past.

I will promise myself only to keep working and give myself some grace as the next few months unfold.

Stay tuned…

Back in the Saddle

Time to get back in the blogging “saddle”, I’ve been out of it for awhile. A long while.

Why haven’t I been blogging? Hmmm…I can’t quite put my finger on it. I try to write then  do one of two things…write some words and hate them all. Erase, erase, erase. Or…stare blankly at the white screen…forever….and write nothing…even after hours or days of looking  at the same page space. Ugh…so frustrating!
Couple that with the meanies in my brain that say, “who is even reading this? If they were they’re not now! What’s the point?”
Recipe for disaster…
What’s the solution? Damned if I know…so I asked my son.
His advice?
“Mom…just start by posting something simple!”
Um, what? Simple? Really?
Epiphany…try something simple to get back in the “saddle,” simple…
So that’s what I’m going to do. Check in on me tomorrow…
For simple!