Veganuary 2021 Easy Condiments: Sour Cream

Oh my gosh …this stuff is so good! Who knew that cashews could make sour cream?

When I was first playing with vegan recipes I thought they would all be complicated, too difficult, and hugely time consuming. Wrong! This recipe, although a condiment and not a meal, is an example of how easy it is to eliminate animal based products from your diet. Inspired by the cookbook Fuss Free Vegan my rendition of the recipe is as follows. (if you don’t own that book you need to go get it!)

1 cup raw cashews…now you can put these into a container, cover them with water and soak for a minimum of 6 hours (you can keep some in the fridge if you’re using them a lot) OR you can cheat. I boil water, throw the cashews into a heat proof container (usually a Pyrex measuring cup), cover them with the boiling water and wait about 15 minutes. I find this works well when I don’t have cashews soaking in the fridge and I’m in a time crunch.

1/2 cup water
1-3 teaspoons of lemon juice. I like quite a bit of lemon juice, sometimes even as much as a 1/4 cup, but some may not. For me it really kicks up the “sour” of the sour cream.
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
salt and pepper to taste

Get your cashews ready. Then put them, the water, a teaspoon of lemon juice, and the vinegar into a high speed blender. I used my bullet blender in the video and if you have one it works great for these smaller recipes. Whiz all this up for a minute or so scraping the sides as you blend. If using the bullet make sure you stop and give it a shake then put it back on to blend some more. I stop after a bit and just rub a little bit of the cream between my fingers. If it feels smooth you know the nuts have been thoroughly blended. If you feel a slight grit then just keep blending. Also make sure to taste your creation and add salt and/or pepper (and maybe more lemon juice) to your liking. Always start with very small amounts and work up to more.

Put your sour cream into a closed container in the fridge and it’s even better the next day when all the flavors meld together. I find it keeps for about a week.

Use it on anything you would normally put sour cream on. Spicy food, quesadillas, chili, nachos…all your favorites!

I hope you’ll try it and let me know what you think.

Until next time,
