Wild Wonders


Just a quick reminder that some of my pieces are made for, and of, the creatures of Wild Wonders. Isn’t that face up there wonderful?

From their website:

Welcome to the world of Wild Wonders, Inc. where kids and adults can “tame” their curiosity for “wildlife.” Through live interactive programs and tours at our site or yours, our wildlife educators and our 150 animal-ambassadors will take you on a dynamic adventure you will not forget. Our goal is to excite the public and foster a desire to preserve and learn about the wildlife and the important role they play in the planet we share.

In order to help support their journey I get to make wearable jewelry pieces from their wonderful collection of critters that are Wild Wonders!

Mix of Critters

Zoo items that you purchase from me either in person or from my online shop section “The Art That is Wild Wonders” sends 20% of the profits back to the zoo! (click on the word “shop” at the very top of the page and all the sections will show up, then click on “The Art That is Wild Wonders”) If you happen to be visiting the zoo in person they have a gift shop area and anything you purchase of mine donates 50% of back to the critters!


Do you have a favorite animal that isn’t shown? If I can get a picture then we can make a custom piece for you…drop me an e-mail lets chat about it!.

Take a moment and peek at their website for special events or to make a reservation to visit!

Until next time,


Two Shows the Same Weekend

Show prep is in full swing here at my very messy studio…this year I have two shows on the same weekend!

First there is the best mixed media show in southern California…

October 15, 2016
October 15, 2016

My daughter and I will be at Glitterfest (Anaheim, CA) from 10-am to 3pm in our best fall attire with all my goodies.

Also the same day and weekend is the 39th Annual Fall Bernardo Winery Art and Craft Fair (Rancho Bernardo, CA)…my son, Paul, will have his maiden solo voyage running my booth on Saturday from 10am to 5 pm! Please come say hello and spur him on! He’s a budding entrepreneur and has been working with me for the past three years. He can do it!!

So how does one prep for two shows on the same weekend? FURIOUSLY!

Stay tuned for some sneak peeks…

Until next time,

Eleven Months

Geez…eleven months??!

…has it really been that long? Eleven months? Yikes…

A lot of folks must be wondering what the heck happened to her? I also took a three month hiatus from social media…so some are shaking their heads.

Who are you?

Well…honestly, even though my intention to get in her to write are good ones, I often feel like I have nothing of any substance to say. Or some topic peeks my interest and time or family or something keeps from writing even two words.

Eleven months!? I can’t believe it…but I do.

Let me do a little refresher…yes I am still here!!

My goofy son
My goofy son

Yes my son is amazed its been eleven months also. Family time has been priority around here and the summer was spent all four of us. Lunch and dinner together just about everyday.

I’m still working up some crazy art and wearable stuff. Doing a lot of sewing but will have jewelry this fall.

CoExist Bracelet

So I’m not truly MIA…just taking a break…for eleven months. LOL.

Did you miss me?

Until next time,


Coming Back

Helloooooo? Do I hear an echo? Hmmm…
I’ve left this and any of my readership alone for a very long time.
Back in the beginning of the year things here on this blog, plus another I was working on, were going great guns. Social media was on the front burner. Instagram posts were flying. Facebook was burning up with comments and likes. Behind the scenes a bunch of us were busy everyday for hours planning for the next thing. Many hours. Everyday.
It was too much. The core of the other blog broke down. Then I started to break down.
Time to take a break. From all things internet.
So…other than peeking in to keep up with friends I dropped almost all social media. Including my blog.
And it’s been on my mind lately so I’m back in here typing….
No promises of regularity or how faithful I will be.
Only a desire to restart in  a more fulfilling way…a more authentic way.
Until next time,

National Organization Month: What are you doing?

National Organization Month and what are you doing to re-organize your home, life, and studio?

I am an avid cook so drawers that are completely unusable and crazy messy drive me crazy! So the first place I start with organization is in my kitchen. This baking drawer was such a mess I didn’t realize I had purchased several identical items! Now it’s labeled and things that go together are side by side.

Kitchen Baking Drawer

I wish I had a before picture of this. You wouldn’t have known even what this area was for. AND I threw out spices from the Jurassic period! Oy! Now it’s a pleasure to open this space!

Spices Galore

You couldn’t even tell what this area was for before I started! Plus I threw out spices from the turn of the century! Now it’s a pleasure to open this cupboard.

Bread Baking Station

How many crumbs can there really be in any one spot? This is my bread baking area…yes there are two bread machines. As a side note I bake all of our bread products from scratch. No more preservatives or hidden GMO for us! May sound crazy but it has solved a couple of health issues we had going on. AND it tastes delicious this way!

But..back to organization! With this many things on one counter area it easily gets out of whack. This is how it’s supposed to be!

Next organization project? Besides the entire house? Pieces of the studio…stay tuned!

Until next time,


P.S. Please hop over to my collaborative blog for some other organization tips from the studios of the girls!!