Photo Booth

Have you ever tried out Photo Booth? It comes with your Ipad or Mac computer….It can provide hours of laughs!


Can I just tell you that my Mother would kill me if she knew I was putting this picture here…?!


…and not sure my Dad would be too happy either…


My son, on the other hand, would like to be seen like this every day. Because he’s just that goofy.

If you have a chance give it a try…you’ll laugh yourself into tears!


Summer Indulgence…


Indulging in summer strawberries and whipped cream. Real whipping cream and fresh strawberries.

Fresh whipped cream


Strawberries and whip

The absolute best!


Back in the Saddle

Time to get back in the blogging “saddle”, I’ve been out of it for awhile. A long while.

Why haven’t I been blogging? Hmmm…I can’t quite put my finger on it. I try to write then  do one of two things…write some words and hate them all. Erase, erase, erase. Or…stare blankly at the white screen…forever….and write nothing…even after hours or days of looking  at the same page space. Ugh…so frustrating!
Couple that with the meanies in my brain that say, “who is even reading this? If they were they’re not now! What’s the point?”
Recipe for disaster…
What’s the solution? Damned if I know…so I asked my son.
His advice?
“Mom…just start by posting something simple!”
Um, what? Simple? Really?
Epiphany…try something simple to get back in the “saddle,” simple…
So that’s what I’m going to do. Check in on me tomorrow…
For simple!

The things we do for fun…

Some evenings around here degrade into piles of crying laughter. In the midst of furiously working on this website I’ve, of course, needed to update all my content, pictures, and what nots. And then I found my sons red rubber nose…

The rest is history…