The Virus Chronicles Part 2

The fog is clearing.

I truly believe that creating and the act of doing art saves your mind, body, and engages your soul. And that’s what I’ve been doing. Lots of it.

Glitterfest is actually going to happen (October 11 in Tustin, outside, socially distanced and masked up) Yay! So nice to have a deadline to work towards.

That may have been a big part of my angst during this mess. No deadlines…no priorities…big plans, little plans, everything cancelled so there was nothing to work towards. 🙁 So the days are better and returning to some sense of normalcy.

So in the light of creativity moving me forward I’d like to share a few things that have been inspiring me.

I’ve pretty much sewn myself an entire wardrobe (to go nowhere lol) and watching sewing videos has been educational and entertaining. Let me introduce to a couple of my favorite YouTubers.

Welcome to the Fold Line. These videos are put together by two gals and if you like fashion and sew for yourself you have to watch these trend episodes. They waltz through all the things for the upcoming season then match them to indie patterns. So much fun to see the things you can customize to your own fashion sense. Even if you don’t sew your own clothing it will give you ideas of what to look for when your shopping. Definitely worth a watch.

One more…

This is just one of many but Chase Jarvis does some fabulous interviews of creatives, thought leaders, and popular personalities. Great to listen to when you’re doing something else. Always something interesting.

I’ll be back with more …there are many!


Charming Trinkets

Painting again…

A week or so ago I posted a picture of this in Facebook and here it is once again…finished!

Angel Wings
I didn’t set out to paint this nor did it really occur to me what I was painting until just before I posted.
That’s the thing about creative inspiration…you start in the morning, end in the evening with very little idea of how the time went by!